DIY Nation - Britain's Delight in DIY

Fulfilment Survey
DIY Sense of Fulfilment

DIY Sense of Fulfilment

Most Fulfilling DIY Tasks

For many of us, one of the main positives of successfully completing a DIY task is the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. We asked homeowners which tasks they found the most fulfilling, with the results showing the majority prefer decorating (41%), followed by garden maintenance (40%) and deep cleaning a room (35%). This preference was common across the nation, with decorating a room coming out on top in seven of our 12 regions.

Sense of accomplishment

The survey also found that younger homeowners - aged 18-24 - are most likely to feel a sense of accomplishment after successfully completing a task themselves and the largest proportion of people who’d be most likely to complete a DIY task if their friends and family would be impressed by them doing so (47%). However, they were also found to account for most people who would avoid completing a DIY task due to a fear of people’s opinions (49%).

A key takeaway from the survey was that people who regularly update their home décor were more likely to be satisfied with their living space. for example, those aged 18-24 accounted for the highest proportion of homeowners that are happier with their home now than a year ago (44%), and also the highest proportion of people who update their home décor at least twice a year (30%). Interestingly, they also accounted for the age group that most preferred to try a task themselves (54%).

The Nation's Attitude to DIY

The Nation's Attitude to DIY

When it comes to those tasks that deter homeowners from taking on a job around the house themselves, the results reveal most people are put off by the perceived difficulty of the task in hand (19%), followed by concerns around the quality of the end result (16%). Other deterrents included the level of risk involved (12%) and the time it would take to complete a task (12%). The biggest deterrent for young homeowners was found to be them not knowing where to start, while those aged 55-65 are more likely to avoid attempting a task due to the assumed difficulty.

Avoid attempting a task

So, for those who are put off attempting a task themselves, how open are they to paying for a third party to complete it on their behalf? The results show that people are the least likely to pay for a professional to construct furniture (16%) or deep clean a room (13%). They are most open to outsourcing decorating (32%) and for small DIY fixes (28%).

Regional Data

Interestingly, almost a third of people (31%) don’t pay for professionals to complete a task on their behalf at all.

The Nation's DĂ©cor Decisions

The Nation's DĂ©cor Decisions

For those of us who favour refreshing our décor somewhat regularly - whether it’s done ourselves or through a third party - which rooms do we update most frequently, and what do we prioritise when doing so?

The survey found the most-regularly updated room in the home was the living room (31%), followed by the master bedroom (14%) and the kitchen (13%).

People were least likely to update their loft space or conservatory, while young homeowners aged 18-24 were found to be most likely to regularly update their décor. With the same demographic being happier with their décor today than 12 months ago, it’s a fair assumption that regularly updating your interior design would make you happier in the long term.

Most often decorated
Home Product Purchasing
Home Product Purchasing
Another area of focus was those factors which people found most important when considering a home décor product. The survey revealed the majority of us are concerned with the cost (56%), followed by the assumed quality (47%), durability (33%), aesthetic (27%) and ease of upkeep (27%). Cost was found to be a priority for a significant majority of regions (75%), while the other regions (Northern Ireland, North East and Yorkshire) were more concerned with a product’s quality.
Buying home decor products
Money spent by homeowners
The survey revealed that most UK homeowners look to spend less than £250 on home décor each year (23% of respondents). This could be due to actively looking to minimise living space expenditure, income restrictions, or homeowners prioritising other things over home décor. Those aged 18-24 were found to be the demographic that spends the most on home décor, while Wales was the region where people were most willing to splash out, with 16% of homeowners spending more than £1.5k!
Homeowners who consider cost to be the most important factor when purchasing home décor products did indeed spend less on their living space per year, compared to those who prioritise a product’s quality, aesthetic, or durability. Interestingly, those of us who are more concerned with other people’s opinions are more likely to spend more on home décor each year as a result.
Impact of Home Improvements

Impact of Home Improvements

A common theme seen throughout the survey was the idea that feeling satisfied with our home’s aesthetic is fundamental to our overall happiness. This is evidenced by almost a third (32%) of respondents saying they felt more positive in life because they are happy with their living space.

Furthermore, a third (33%) of homeowners reported feeling a sense of pride when the décor of their room matches their vision for it.

Darren Green, Managing Director, commented, “It is encouraging to see so many homeowners, and especially younger people, happier with their homes now than they were a year ago.

“It’s also heartening that we’re becoming increasingly confident in taking on the challenge of keeping our homes beautiful ourselves. Whether it’s fitting a wooden blind, painting a wall or building a new desk, we are becoming increasingly confident in our own abilities and the positive effect it has on our happiness reinforces the importance of doing things independently.”

Most often decorated

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